
Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter 6

I sat on the ground around a small fire. It had been three weeks since I had told Corinath and the others about our past. My ankle was still bandaged but I could now hobble on it.

" So, what's the plan for today?" Caitlyn asked taking a bite of her fried egg.

" Training." Enrayus replied. " We have to be ready. Xiivu's army has been training for years." he glanced at me. " I mean I'm sure Martisse could take us down any day."

" I want to start training again. But for the good side this time." I told them.

" Give your foot a few more days." Clare said understandingly.

" It's fine. Really." I said standing up quickly, ignoring the slight pain.

" Do you hear that?" Scoot asked hushing us.

We all strained our ears. I heard a faint buzzing...

" Everybody up!" Corinath shouted. " Grab the weapon of your choice and prepare."

" Numbers?" I asked him. He nodded.

" A lot of them too. Go in the tent."

I hated this. An army of evil mechanical aliens was attacking us and our camp and I could do nothing to help. But in Aeylan, it was proper to listen to your elder sibling. I trudged into the tent, and peeled back the flap so I could see everything. A few moments later they arrived. They came swarming down in huge herds, hundreds of them. They were as big as a human, except made of metal. And from the planet Aether. Everyone was soon submerged in battle. The invasion raged for about ten minutes. About twenty Numbers had been defeated, there were about 180 more. I saw the sweat forming on all of their faces. I suddenly heard a loud shriek. I locked eyes with Scoot, who was curled into a ball by a tree, a Number hovering over him sword in hand.

And then it happened. The Number brought his sword down deep into Scoot's chest...

No, joking. Only joking. I wouldn't let that happen if I had to die trying.

I ran out of the tent.

" Sword. Now!" I yelled and turned just as Corinath tossed one to me. I landed it hard into the Numbers' back panel.

Scoot gasped. I helped him up quickly. Glanced at Corinath who was staring at me. He nodded, his extra sword in his hand. I took the nod as permission, and set to work lunging, stabbing, slicing.

We fought for hours. We all sighed when Enrayus stuck his sword through the last Number. We all crowded around the newly aroused fire. Cole was hugging Courtney close as she sobbed in his arms. Clare looked pretty shaken, Caitlyn stared deep into the fire.

" What level are they?" Corinath asked me.

" Seven." I said, Courtney letting out another huge sigh.

" Is that all? Tomorrow. Training." he said and plunged into the boys tent. Everyone continued to thin out until it was just me and Scoot.

" Thanks for like, saving me." he said quietly.

I nodded without turning his way.

" Really. I would have died." He said staring at me. I turned my head.

" I know. That would be how I got to saving you." I smiled.

He laughed, and we continued to chat. Comparing swords and shields and random things.

" You know, you're pretty cool when you're not kicking people's butts." he smiled.

" Thank you."

" You're welcome." He got up, patted my shoulder and walked slowly into their tent. I sat there for a few more moments until my eyelids wouldn't stay open anymore. I hobbled into the girls tent, fixed up my bed and flumped down onto it, I was asleep in seconds.