
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chapter 7

I wiped the sweat off my forehead, and speared another dummy.

" Do you need a break?" Scoot asked me looking up from the sack of straw he was murdering.

I shook my head, re-gripped my sword and began lunging, swirling and stabbing once again.

" Whatever you say..." I barely heard his words as I drifted into killing mode.


" I need to bathe!" Caiti said loudly as we sat down to lunch.

" Me too..." Courtney confirmed.

" Me three!" Clare yelled. We laughed.

" Sounds like we're hitting the lake this afternoon." Cole chuckled.

I glanced at Corinath.

" Alright... One afternoon off won't matter too much..."

Caitlyn whooped, Clare and Jimmy exchanged high fives and Scoot did a silent dance. I smirked.


"We're going swimming, we're going swimming!" Caitlyn said as she ran towards the lake. We all were soon wading in the lake and splashing each other.

" I've never actually been with anybody like this before." I said seriously.

Clare stared at me shocked. " You mean you didn't have girlfriends at The Hole?"

The Hole was Xiivu's camp grounds, and training area.

" Dude, the girl was a super ninja freak, you spent every waking moment training Xiivu's army, I doubt she had much time to like hang with friends." Caiti said blankly.

I smiled.

" Well, even if she didn't have friends, she certainly does now!" Courtney smiled.

" Yeah, friends and a boyfriend..." Caitlyn chimed in as she rung her long hair.

I looked at her puzzled.

" Uh, Scoot? Girl are you totally clueless?"

" Caiti!" Clare yelled.

" He likes me?"

" He's so in to you he could explode." Courtney laughed.

I smiled. " I don't think I 'do' earthlings..."

We laughed some more and splashed around. I had just figured out something... It was all very weird, but I liked it...

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